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Advancements of the UAE in the Middle East

April 7, 2021 at 11:00 am

The ACIR is excited to host a frank webinar discussion with Shaima Gargash, Deputy Chief of Mission at the UAE Embassy in Washington D.C. She will discuss the UAE’s role as a regional power and its current positions regarding Israel, Turkey, and Iran.

This year, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) celebrates its Golden Jubilee. During its 50 year history, the UAE has emerged as the most diverse and advanced country in the Middle East. It is a nation that has risen above the historical violence of the region and is paving a new path to peace. The UAE is recognized as both a regional power of the Middle East and an international “middle power”. The UAE is home to more than 200 foreign nationalities, and – though Islam is the official religion – allows churches, temples, synagogues and Buddhist monasteries. It is the first Arab country to launch a successful Mars mission, the first in the region to establish a nuclear power plant, and a significant humanitarian player – providing assistance to alleviate poverty at home and abroad and leading the region in opening new paths for women.

Join ACIR for a frank discussion with the Deputy Chief of Mission at the UAE Embassy in Washington D.C. She will discuss:

  • The UAE’s role as a regional power;
  • The historic agreement with Israel;
  • The UAE’s position regarding Turkey and Iran.

About Shaima H. Gargash

Ms. Shaima Hussain Gargash is the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Washington, D.C. appointed in early 2019. Prior to her current position, Ms. Gargash was the Head of Communications and Public Diplomacy for over two years and a political analyst at the Congressional Affairs division before that. Before her appointment to Washington Ms. Gargash led the Policy Division at the Policy Planning Department (PPD) at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFA) for three years.

Ms. Gargash has previously worked in both the public and private sectors dealing with economic and socio-political issues. Ms. Gargash was directly involved with initial phases of the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) a fiscal policy for the government of Abu Dhabi at the Abu Dhabi Department of Finance. In 2008, Ms. Gargash was part of the core team that was involved in the UAE’s First Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report at the Human Rights’ Council. During this same period, working for the Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs (MFNCA), Ms. Gargash assisted in publishing a women’s public relations paper. In 2009, Ms. Gargash compiled an extensive research paper in collaboration with the Dubai School of Government (DSG) on “Women’s political Participation in the UAE” during her work at the MFNCA. Ms. Gargash also worked at corporate banking and real-estate in Dubai prior to joining the government sector.

Ms. Gargash holds a BA in Economics and a minor in International Relations from the American University of Sharjah, and a Masters in Public Administration from the Dubai School of Government in the UAE. Ms. Gargash is married to Mr. Fadel Al Mheiri a Filmmaker/Scriptwriter, and has three children.


April 7, 2021
11:00 am
Event Category:

